
RS at the 11th session of the IMO Sub-Committee on Ship Systems and Equipment

RS at the 11th session of the IMO Sub-Committee on Ship Systems and Equipment
RS photo.

In the final week of February, the International Maritime Organization (IMO) held the 11th session of the Sub-Committee on Ship Systems and Equipment (SSE 11) at its headquarters in London. Representatives of Russian Maritime Register of Shipping (RS) attended the event as members of the national delegation.

SSE 11 addressed a broad range of topics aimed at enhancing IMO's mandatory and advisory instruments related to life-saving equipment and fire protection measures.

As such, participants resumed the comprehensive revision of SOLAS Chapter III Life-saving Appliances and Arrangements and the Life-Saving Appliances (LSA) Code, as well as progressed measures for the detection and prevention of fires in cargo areas on container ships and vessels carrying new-energy vehicles. Further advancements on the matter will be pursued in the intersessional period.

The session approved:

  • draft amendments to Chapter IV of the LSA Code in terms of mandatory requirements for ventilating partly enclosed lifeboats and ensuring the safety of simulated free-fall lifeboat launches;
  • amendments to IMO recommendations concerning the maintenance and testing of life-saving equipment and the use of atmospheric oil mist detectors to prevent ship fires;
  • Unified Interpretations of provisions across several IMO instruments.

Detailed results of the SSE 11 can be found under the section "International Activity" - "Results of sessions of the IMO bodies" on the official RS website.

Additional information:

Founded in 1913, Russian Maritime Register of Shipping (RS) is a world-renowned classification society that operates within all spheres of the maritime industry with the goal of improving the operational and environmental safety of marine transportation. RS reviews technical documentation, surveys ships and offshore facilities under construction and in service, certifies vessels and companies for compliance with international conventions, recognizes and certifies industrial products and manufacturers, certifies quality management systems for compliance with international and national standards.

Today, RS is actively implementing the concept "More than class" by expanding its scope of services in the field of engineering and consulting, the development of technical documentation for vessels in service, marine warranty surveys and certification. In addition, RS surveys all container types, including tank containers and offshore containers, confirms compliance of packaging for dangerous goods, as well as renders services on the declaration and certification of dangerous goods and bulk cargoes.