In 2023, RS celebrated its 110th anniversary. In its history, the organization has witnessed significant changes in the maritime industry:
growing number of fleet units, expanding complexity of the ships’ technical parameters, increasing diversity of the ship’s types and purposes, improving technologies of production.
Only the main objective of RS activities remains unchanged — the provision of safe navigation, safety of life at sea and environmental protection.
A wide range of RS activities requires an authoritative body for supplying the technical and scientific backbone of the classification society’s solutions. Konstantin Boklevsky becomes the Chairman of the Council.
The first Rules for the Construction of Sea-Going Steel Ships are published.
The first Russian Register of Ships “Russian Register. A list of Ships” is issued, listing over 4 500 vessels.
RS participates in the restoration of Russia’s fleet and the revival of shipbuilding.
RS is recognized by the Suez Canal company, foreign shipyards begin constructing ships under RS Rules.
During the Great Patriotic War, RS specialists maintain the Russian fleet in good order, develop technologies for ship restoration and directly participate in repair work. After the Victory, RS is involved in recovering the USSR shipyards and fleet.
Under the RS survey, a new fleet intended for spacecraft control is built.
Commissioning of the world’s first nuclear icebreaker.
RS participates in the Soviet project for developing marine transportation of liquified gas.
Commissioning of the first Soviet self-elevating offshore drilling unit.
The entry of the USSR Register into the International Association of Classification Societies.
Commissioning of the largest ship for spacecraft control.
RS is appointed as a technical inspection body for the construction and operation of containers.
Designed and built to the RS class, the nuclear-powered icebreaker Arktika reaches the North Pole for the first time in the history of surface navigation.
The Soviet maritime fleet becomes the second largest in the world by the amount of marine self-propelled ships with a gross tonnage of 100 and above.
Transition to an automated fleet registration system.
RS renamed to Russian Maritime Register of Shipping.
The implementation of an internal quality management system in compliance with the international standard ISO 9001.
RS is recognized by the European Union.
RS joins INTERTANKO, INTERCARGO, BIMCO as an associate member.
Construction of the first Russian ice-resistant fixed offshore platform begins under the RS survey.
RS launches a comprehensive program in the field of technical standards for marine LNG transportation and participates in all offshore oil and gas projects of the Russian Federation, inсluding the activities on the Arctic shelf.
RS is appointed as the head organization for the survey of fixed offshore platforms.
Publication of the first Rules for the Classification and Construction of Subsea Pipelines.
A special award was established in honor of the 90-th anniversary of the Scientific and Technical Council.
Commissioning of the Arctic containership.
Commissioning of the new nuclear icebreaker.
Construction begins on the world’s first floating nuclear power plant.
Commissioning of the fixed offshore ice-resistant oil offloading terminal for year-round oil transfer.
The first LNG gas carrier enters the RS class.
Commissioning of the Arctic shuttle tanker.
RS introduces new class notation for ships complying with enhanced environmental safety standards.
RS surveys a series of unparalleled high-tech ice class ships, actively pursues digitalization, implements regulations on innovative projects, continues to participate in the development of offshore oil and gas fields and contributes to the renewal of Russia’s fishing fleet. New class notations are introduced: WINTERIZATION (for the ships operating under low temperatures) and GFS (for the gas fueled ships).
RS issues classification documents for the semi-submersible mobile offshore drilling unit.
RS introduces an integrated electronic document management and request control system.
RS is accredited in the Unified national accreditation system and in the Voluntary certification system GOST R.
Construction begins of the RS-classed world’s first Arc7 Arctic LNG gas carriers.
RS participates in the creation of portable tanks with shells made of fibre-reinforced plastics materials.
Commissioning of the world’s first icebreaking ship with an asymmetric hull.
RS-classed prototype nuclear icebreaker pr. 22220 is launched.
New approval-in-industry scheme is introduced in accordance with global practices.
RS digitalizes the process of rule publishing.
RS successfully copes with the pandemic, ensuring the uninterrupted operation of its structures and processes.
Maritime Operational Centre is established for remote survey coordination.
RS publishes Regulations for Classification of Maritime Autonomous and Remotely Controlled Surface Ships.
RS publishes the Guidelines on Cyber Safety.
RS implements requirements for additive manufacturing products to be used in shipbuilding.
Commissioning of the largest and most powerful (25 MW) diesel-electric icebreaker.
Vladimir Monomakh – the lead ship of the Aframax tanker series operating on environmentally sound fuel is launched.
Construction of the first RS-classed ice class LNG bunkering tanker is completed.
RS publishes requirements for equipping double acting ships (DAS).
RS presents a new software package for verifying compliance of hull structure strength calculations with the RS Rules.
RS remains a major player in the global maritime industry, creating alternatives to the services of foreign classification societies by providing a wide range of certification, consultancy and engineering services in a “single window” format.
Upon the RS initiative IMO allows the maritime transportation of portable tanks with shells made of fibre-reinforced plastics materials.
RS publishes Rules for membrane LNG containment systems integrating RS expertise in the area of modern Arctic gas carrier classification.
RS implements requirements for ships equipped to work on methanol and ethanol fuel, as well as for ships with wind assisted propulsion systems.
RS implements a service for calculating ship’s Carbon Intensity Indicator values.
A floating LNG storage unit with a capacity of 360 000 cub. m is constructed to the RS class.
RS publishes Rules for Active Means of Polar Class Ships’ Steering.
RS establishes a Unified database of companies with in-house manufacturing capabilities.
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