On 10.12.2015, the Instruction No. 167, dated 13.05.2012, of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation came into force approving the amendments to the “Regulations on certification of crew members of sea-going ships” that was approved by Instruction No. 62, dated 15.03.2012, of the RF Ministry of Transport.
Paras 7 and 9 of the current "Regulation on certification of crew members of sea-going ships" contain requirements that the following organizations shall have a training and certification quality standard system that is certified in accordance with Rule I/8, STCW:
marine educational organizations
training centers
graduation departments of seaport captain services
In order to make it possible for the organizations to meet this requirement, the Russian Maritime Register of Shipping has developed a procedure for certification of the organizations that perform their activities in accordance with the requirements of IC STCW. The procedure may be applied to all organizations involved in the preparation and certification of seafarers.
Procedure to apply for the service:
RS conducts the certification of the quality standards systems (hereinafter referred to as QSS) based on the official voluntary application (letter, fax, e-mail). Together with the application, the customer sends RS the following information:
quality manual or another document that describes the quality standards system implemented in the organization as applied to the activity declared for certification
separately for marine educational organizations and training centers:
list of training programs and copies of educational programs that are submitted for certification
copies of certificates of type approval for training equipment in accordance with the requirements of the maritime administration
copy of permits for the right to perform educational activities
copy of an instruction on creation of the Maritime Assessment Board
internal normative document that describes the procedure for the work of the Maritime Assessment Board
Certifications are carried out using detailed checklists:
common by type of organization
individual by qualification assessment
individual by types of simulators/equipment
individual by training programs.
The checklists may also be used by organizations for self-assessment. The developed approach makes it possible to harmonize the QSS certifications with any other audits of the management systems of organizations (for example, with certification or supervision of QMS) without prejudice to the objectivity and completeness of such audits.
According to the certification results, a QSS certification report is made that may be used by the organization for submitting it to the Russian maritime administration bodies.
(Requirements of Instruction No. 32 of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation dated February 10, 2010)
By Order of the Federal Agency for Marine and River Transport of the Russian Federation No. АД-316-р dated 28.11.2012, RS was appointed as an authorized organization to carry out the certification of GMDSS training centers, training centers for navigators and electronics technicians including VTCS operators for compliance with the requirements of the International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers 1978.
RS conducts certification of training centers that provide training in accordance with the requirements of Rule I/12, Chapters V and VI, STCW Convention.
The recognition procedure is described in Instruction No. 32 of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated 10.02.2010. Along with the application for certification (in any format), the training center provides the following documents for analysis:
detailed design (including software and hardware specification)
copy of certificate of acceptance of work performed for construction of facility or center
field test report (if applicable)
permits for use of radio frequencies and equipment operation (radio electronic means)
license for the right to perform educational activities (for centers)
copies of certificates of type approval of equipment
list of regular personnel with copies of qualification documents attached
list of available documentation and manuals: educational programs (for centers), instructions, orders, provisions, regulations including official job descriptions of personnel, as well as other documents related to the support of the facility or center functionality.
Based on the analysis of the submitted documentation and the certification conducted on site, a report is made that is sent to FAMART to make a decision on the possibility of issuing a certificate of compliance and recognition of its activities by the Maritime Administration of the Russian Federation for the certification of seafarers.