Containers: technical documentation

Technical documentation for containers, materials and products for containers shall be reviewed by RS prior to the commencement of the manufacture.

Technical documentation is reviewed for compliance with the applicable requirements of the Collection of the Rules for Containers as well as applicable requirements of international conventions and codes: International Convention for Safe Containers, 1972, as amended and Customs Convention on Containers, 1972, as amended by the International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code.

Minimum scope of technical documentation submitted to RS for review is determined depending on the type of container and given in Chapter 1.4 of each Part II — VIII of the Rules for the Manufacture of Containers in the Collection of the Rules for Containers.

Technical documentation shall be submitted to RS in electronic form in PDF format or by any other means as mutually agreed.

As a rule, the technical documentation shall be accompanied with the following:

  1. name and TIN of the firm;
  2. Full name of contact person and contact phone number;
  3. information: ʺWe are familiarized and agree with the General Conditions for rendering services by RS. The payment is guaranteedʺ.

Duration of the technical documentation review is specified in 3.1.2 of the General Regulations for the Technical Supervision of Containers in the Collection of the Rules for Containers.

Upon results of technical documentation review, RS forwards a letter of conclusion and, in case of satisfactory review results, a set of approved/agreed technical documentation with relevant RS stamps. Stamps are put by software means and endorsed by electronic digital signature of the RS person on charge.

Duration of validity of the RS-approved technical documentation is given in 3.2.1 of the General Regulations for the Technical Supervision of Containers in the Collection of the Rules for Containers.

Containers Department


Dmitry Yarveper


+7 812 315 4698

Head mobile

+7 931 3701682


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