Today the Register is:
Certification body with the registered System of Voluntary Certification of Management Systems (MS) that conducts MS audits of organizations and issues the certificates of compliance (the System functions in accordance with the requirements of Federal Law No. 184-FZ “On Technical Regulation” dated 27.12.2002. Registration number РОСС.RU.B1869.04СУ02). The certification criteria are: standards of ISO 9001 Series, ISO 14001, ISO 45001 (OHSAS 18001: 2007).
Accredited body for certification of quality management systems in the Unified National Accreditation System of the Russian Federation for the certification of quality management systems (РОСС RU.001.13ИТ14). The criterion of certification is GOST R ISO 9001-2015.
Certification body, the work results of auditors of which are recognized by the European certification body EUROCERT S.A., accredited by IAF - International Accreditation Forum - which combines the accreditation bodies from more than 50 countries worldwide. Given the positive results of the audit conducted by the RS specialists, EUROCERT S.A. decides on issuing a certificate of compliance.
Survey and certification body with more than 30 Branch Offices and Representative Offices worldwide that provide services in more than 140 countries.
Certification stages:
Application for certification.
Preliminary assessment.
Issuance of Certificate.
Supervision audits.
Renewable certification.
The approximate cost of certification is calculated based on the duration of the audit according to current RS tariffs and is reported to customers on their request.