Examination of the possibility of transportation of dangerous goods
Within its competence RS examine the possibility to transport dangerous goods in tank containers.
Determination of possibility to transport particular dangerous goods in tank containers.
Validity period
Expert opinion is limited by the validity of Certificates or Reports on periodical survey of tank containers.
Issuance procedure
Request → Inspection, if necessary → Expertise and result
Required data in the request to obtain the expert opinion:
- code and number of owner, reference number of each tank container
- technical description of cargo(es) carried with indication of UN number(s)
- estimated date and place of inspection/survey of tank container (if required)
- contain persons and contact phone numbers
Documents attached to the request:
- copies of valid Certificates and/or Reports on last periodical survey issued by a competent authority
- Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS)
Inspection is performed to verify compliance of tank container:
- for structure compliance
- for availability and completeness of required accessories
- for available required marking
Results of expertise and expert opinion
- Possibility to transport cargo in declared tank containers is evaluated.
- Upon satisfactory expertise results, expert opinion is issued.
- Upon unsatisfactory results, a letter of conclusion shall be forwarded.
Who needs this service?
Operators (owners or lessee) of tank containers.
Why this service is required?
- Expert opinion is required when transporting dangerous goods in tank containers.
- Tank containers do not suit all dangerous goods.
Why the inspection is required?
Inspection of tank containers subject to expertise, is performed to verify compliance of tank container structure with submitted documents, availability and completeness of required accessories and marking.
When inspection is not required?
If RS documents confirming carried out RS survey of tank container are available, inspection may be omitted.
What is the period for service rendering?
From 1 working day to 2 weeks (f inspection is needed).