The Role of Classification Societies in the Implementation of the Unified Maritime Labour Convention Requirements

The Role of Classification Societies in the Implementation of the Unified Maritime Labour Convention Requirements

The Role of Classification Societies in the Implementation of the Unified Maritime Labour Convention Requirements
The Unified Maritime Labour Convention (the Unified Convention) was adopted by the International Labour Organization (ILO) General Conference in February 2006 in Geneva. 37 conventions earlier adopted by the ILO were revised in the Unified Convention. In accordance with the ILO schedule, the Unified Convention will be ratified in 2010 and will enter into force in August 2011. ILO member-states shall thoroughly review their national legislations and bring them into compliance with the Unified Convention. In the opinion of analytics, the Unified Convention will provide adequate labour and rest conditions for seafarers. The Unified Convention consists of three separate but interrelated elements: articles, regulations and the Code. Basic rights, principles and obligations of Flag States are established in the articles and regulations, and the Code contains detailed information on the regulations fulfillment. The Code consists of Part A (mandatory standards) and Part B (not mandatory guidelines). A recognized organization having the relevant structure, technical experience, resources for maintaining qualifications of its personnel and rendering services corresponding to the type and level of the authority given may be authorized to inspect ships for compliance with the requirements of the Unified Convention.

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UDC:  629.5.011:061.6:331.91:347.799.11
Author(s):  A.S. Mikhailov, A.G. Ovchinnikov
Pages:  21 - 25