CNG is a New Technology of Gas Carriage: Condition, Perspectives, Problems

CNG is a New Technology of Gas Carriage: Condition, Perspectives, Problems

The article contains the review of CNG ship designs based on materials of domestic and foreign publications. Different structural parameters of cargo tanks and assessments of their influence on the efficiency of gas carriage in CNG cargo tanks are analysed. The requirements of different normative documents as regards the required factors of strength margin used for CNG cargo tanks are compared. The possible ways of improving the gas carriage efficiency on board CNG ships have been determined based on the analysis results.

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UDC:  629.542:629.463.33
Author(s):  A.N. Blinkov, A.A. Vlasov, A.V. Litsis, V.K. Shurpiak
Pages:  127 - 162