Substantiation for the Register Enhanced Requirements for Ships with the Distinguishing Marks ECO and ECO DESIGN in the Class Notation

Substantiation for the Register Enhanced Requirements for Ships with the Distinguishing Marks ECO and ECO DESIGN in the Class Notation

The present article demonstrates that the distinguishing marks in the class notation are assigned based on compliance with the requirements of IMO, maritime administrations and international maritime industry for ecological safety of ships. At that some provisions of the Register additional ecological requirements are more strict than the requirements of the effective international instruments.

Ships having such distinguishing marks in the class notation are safer to the marine environment and will be more credible from the point of view of cargo owners, underwriters, flag state maritime administrations, port authorities. Therefore, shipowners’ expenses for construction of such ships or conversion of the existing ships will be compensated at the operation stage.

The Register objective when introducing the enhanced ecological requirements is to enhance the safety level of the environment.

The new Register requirements for ships construction, equipment and systems for the prevention of pollution from emissions and discharges are demonstrated by example of already built ships of RSD17 project.

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UDC:  621.1.504.75
Author(s):  V.I. Evenko, G.V. Egorov, A.A. Sergeyev, V.V. Grishkin
Pages:  191 - 207