Comparative Performance Analysis of Home- and Foreign-Manufactured Marine Diesel Engines of up to 3 MW Capacity

Comparative Performance Analysis of Home- and Foreign-Manufactured Marine Diesel Engines of up to 3 MW Capacity

The article contains characteristics of home- and foreign-manufactured marine diesel engines of up to 3 000 kW capacity. Comparative performance review of diesel engines has been made. 
It has been demonstrated that foreign-made diesel engines are superior to home-made ones in basic characteristics infl uencing competitiveness (boost, effi ciency, environmental and fatigue performance, etc.). Home diesel engine manufacturing problems have been indicated, recommendations have been made on further improvement and development of homemanufactured marine diesel engines.

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UDC:  621.436.12:629.122/123
Author(s):  V.A. Sorokin, M.Yu. Ivanov
Pages:  111 – 131