Specifying Safety Factors for Load-Bearing Components of Shafting, Propeller and Steering Gear Proceeding from Their Damage Rate

Specifying Safety Factors for Load-Bearing Components of Shafting, Propeller and Steering Gear Proceeding from Their Damage Rate

The article considers damage rate of propellers, shafting and steering gear with increased load-bearing component failure rate in case of the shafting line side arrangement as compared to its central arrangement. 
In order to reduce damage rate to an acceptable level, additional corrective safety factor has been suggested considering the shafting line arrangement. To solve the task, the probability has been determined of loadbearing component failure at different load levels.
The obtained values of corrective safety factor considering the shafting line arrangement may be used for calculation of load-bearing component scantlings by the formulas given in the Rules of Russian Maritime Register of Shipping.

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UDC:  629.5.035.5: 629.5.035.8: 629.5.061.1
Author(s):  M.D. Yemelyanov
Pages:  132 – 144