Analysis of Condition and Development Prospects of Unconventional Means of the Ship's Movement and Steering from the Perspective of Elaboration of the IACS Unified Requirements

Analysis of Condition and Development Prospects of Unconventional Means of the Ship's Movement and Steering from the Perspective of Elaboration of the IACS Unified Requirements

Due to extended application of active means of the ship's steering and their further improvement, elaboration of the Unified Requirements (UR) of International Association of Classification Societies (IACS) becomes a necessity. Possible development of the basic provisions of the IACS UR relevant sections is proposed.

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UDC:  621.431.74.004:621.43-53
Author(s):  Shishkin V.A., Rusetskiy A.A., Ivanov M.Yu.
Pages:  104 - 122