Basic Results of Developing Requirements for Ships of Restricted Area of Navigation R2-RSN(4,5)
Basic Results of Developing Requirements for Ships of Restricted Area of Navigation R2-RSN(4,5)
Experience in operation, design and modernization of ships of river-sea navigation has shown the necessity to develop the requirements for a new class of ships of restricted area of navigation R2-RSN(4,5). The feasibility of introducing an intermediate class is determined that allows for operation of the ship of restricted area of navigation R2-RSN(4,5) in the same areas as the ship of restricted area of navigation R2-RSN but with a more stringent sea state restrictions. The task of developing requirements for a new class of ships of restricted area of navigation R2-RSN(4,5) is solved by interpolating the RS current requirements to the ships of river-sea navigation of restricted areas of navigation R2-RSN and R3-RSN.
Fr: 8:30 – 16:15 (msk)