Global ice load on offshore engineering structures. Determination methods
Authors: A.A. Dobrodeev, K.Ye. Sazonov, O.Ya. Timofeev
Various approaches to global ice load determination are considered, which are based on normative documents, developing the mathematical model of designed structure interaction with ice and model experiments in the ice model basin. Also described is the new trend among the global ice load determination methods, namely, probabilistic modelling. The review of submitted information made it possible to conclude on the procedure and opportunity for applying the above methods for offshore engineering structure design.
Key words: global ice load, model experiment, ice model basin, mathematical method.
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About authors
Dobrodeev Aleksey - postgraduate, Krylov State Research Centre, St. Petersburg
tel. +7(812)386-69-78
Sazonov Kirill - DSc, Krylov State Research Centre, St. Petersburg
tel. +7(812)415-45-23
Timofeev Oleg - DSc, Krylov State Research Centre, St. Petersburg
tel. +7(812)727-96-21
Issue: 38/39 (2015)
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UDC: 629.561.5
Pages: 61-65
Fr: 8:30 – 16:15 (msk)