Cold resistance determination in modern higher-strength steels for arctic structures
Authors: V.K. Bashayev, A.V. Ilyin, V.Yu. Filin, M.A. Gusev
During certification and production, the cold resistance of hull-structural steels is controlled by determining the visco-brittle transition temperature: Tk for Charpy specimen impact bending, for through-thickness fracture analysis, NDT for brittle build-up specimens, etc. Critical temperature ratios depend on steel thickness and manufacturing process due to scale effect and nonuniform fracture propagation resistance in specimens of different type. Proceeding from test results obtained under RS programs, the effect of those factors was considered and specifications to the test procedures suggested.
Key words: Arc-steels, certification, cold resistance, test procedures.
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About authors
V.K. Bashayev - FAI "Russian Maritime Register of Shipping", St. Petersburg
Ilyin Aleksey - DSc, CRISM "Prometey", St. Petersburg
Filin Vladimir - PhD, CRISM "Prometey", St. Petersburg
M.A. Gusev - CRISM "Prometey", St. Petersburg
Issue: 38/39 (2015)
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UDC: 669.14:620.17
Pages: 74-79
Fr: 8:30 – 16:15 (msk)