Assessment of propulsion performance modifications in the propulsion unit of ship in astern movement in ice
Author: K.Ye. Sazonov
An assessment of propulsion performance modifications in the propulsion unit of ship in astern movement in ice was made. It is demonstrated that the modifications are due to ice effects upon the propulsor, which involve both propulsor speed reduction and additional ice thrust that might bring about an augmentation of ship speed. It is noted that in case of a relatively low level of ice effects upon the propulsor the propulsion performance will always drop by 8 - 10 %. It is proposed to take this into consideration when fixing the minimal propulsion unit power level.
Key words: propulsor, ice moment, thrust, minimal power.
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About author
Sazonov Kirill - DSc, Krylov State Research Centre, St. Petersburg
tel. +7 (812)415-45-23
Issue: 38/39 (2015)
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UDC: 629.12:532.582.5.001.5
Pages: 97-100
Fr: 8:30 – 16:15 (msk)