Development and certification of tank container comprising a holding vessel of polymer composite materials for multimodal transportation of chemical and petrochemical products

Development and certification of tank container comprising a holding vessel of polymer composite materials for multimodal transportation of chemical and petrochemical products

Authors: A.Ye. Ushakov, I.V. Sergeichev, A.V. Fetisov, S.V. Dokuchayev

Methodological approaches are determined and tasks formulated to ensure the certification of a tank container comprising a holding vessel of polymer composite materials and being designed on the basis of current normative requirements contained in IMDG Code and ADR Agreement, and methods being developed to determine the design characteristics of the composite materials used. Eventual types of the materials destruction under normative design and test loads are taken into consideration. 
Key words: tank container, polymer composite materials, multimodal transportation, chemical and petrochemical products.


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About authors

Ushakov Andrey - DSc, professor, Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology, Moscow
tel. +7(495)607-79-95

Sergeichev Ivan - PhD, Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology, Moscow
tel. +7 (495)280-14-81

Fetisov Aleksander - FAI " Russian Maritime Register of Shipping", St. Petersburg
tel. +7(812)315-46-98

Dokuchayev Sergey - FAI " Russian Maritime Register of Shipping", St. Petersburg
tel. +7(812)315-46-98

Issue: 38/39 (2015)

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UDC:  629.12:539.32
Pages:  101-105