Maritime safety assurance on board automated sea-going ships

Maritime safety assurance on board automated sea-going ships

Authors: V.N. Nikitina, G.G. Lyashko, A.B. Razlyotova

Matters associated with occupational hygiene and seafarers' health condition are considered. Problems in the sphere of safety assurance on board automated seagoing ships during the voyage are presented. The need for developing scientifically grounded national rules to determine minimum safe manning condition and systemic approach to preventing sea incidents due to human element is demonstrated. 
Key words: ships, automation, labour conditions, seafarers' health, ship manning, maritime safety.


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About authors

Nikitina Valentina - DSc, professor, St. Petersburg State Maritime University, St. Petersburg
tel./fax +7(812) 494-09-91

Lyashko Galina - PhD, St. Petersburg State Maritime University, St. Petersburg
tel./fax +7(812) 494-09-91

Razlyotova Anna - PhD, Krylov State Research Centre, St. Petersburg
tel./fax +7(812) 415-45-90

Issue: 38/39 (2015)

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UDC:  504.06:534.83
Pages:  113-116