Introducing the principle of "zero discharge" in offshore development

Introducing the principle of "zero discharge" in offshore development

Authors: V.V. Snakin, I.V. Vlasova, O.V. Konovalova, R.V. Chernichkin, E.N. Khmeliova


The problems of the introduction of the principle of "zero discharge" (in the wider sense of "zero waste") during the development of the natural resources of the continental shelf of the Russian Federation are discussed. It is noted that the introduction of essentially waste-free technologies - the path is difficult to achieve at present, if it should imply a complete absence of harmful substances entering the nature of emissions, discharges. Legislative wording of the principle of "zero discharge" during the development of offshore fields and possible ways of its implementation is proposed. 
Key words: zero waste, environmental protection, mining, continental shelf, environmental law.


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About authors

Snakin Valeriy- DSc, prof., Lomonosov Moscow State University, IFPB of RAS, LLC "Energodiagnostika", Moscow
I.V. Vlasova - LLC "Energodiagnostika", Moscow
O.V. Konovalova - PhD, LLC "Energodiagnostika", Moscow
R.V. Chernichkin - LLC "Energodiagnostika", Moscow
Khmeleva Ekaterina- PhD, World Wildlife Fund of Russia, Moscow

Issue: 40/41 (2015)

For citation: V.V. Snakin, I.V. Vlasova, O.V. Konovalova, R.V. Chernichkin, E.N. Khmeliova. Introducing the principle of "zero discharge" in offshore development. Research Bulletin by Russian Maritime Register of Shipping. 2015, No. 40/41, pp. 8-11.

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UDC:  622.32: 349.7: 574
Pages:  8 - 11