Reliability assessment of residual thickness measurement data during fault detection in hull structures
Authors: P.V. Zinoviev, B.A. Kompanets, O.E. Surov
The timeliness of and the need for developing a method to assess the reliability of residual thickness measurement data during fault detection in hull structures are considered. The reference information for the study was borrowed from DEFHULL database. The findings and conclusions may be used to assess the reliability of residual thickness measurement data during fault detection as well as to prepare reports on the ship hull structure condition to be submitted to the Register Branch Offices for approval.
Key words: study, ship, hull structure shell, integrity, reliability, integrity assessment procedure, fault detection.
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About authors
Zinoviev Pavel - PhD, associate professor Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok
Kompanets Vasilii - associate professor Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok
Surov Oleg - PhD, associate professor Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok
Issue: 40/41 (2015)
For citation: P.V. Zinoviev, B.A. Kompanets, O.E. Surov. Reliability assessment of residual thickness measurement data during fault detection in hull structures. Research Bulletin by Russian Maritime Register of Shipping. 2015, No. 40/41, pp. 41-48.
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UDC: 629.083
Pages: 41 - 48