Fatigue requirement development for hull structures

Fatigue requirement development for hull structures

Authors: Ye.V. Baskakova, S.V. Petinov 

Basic provisions for and trends of developing the modern rules of structural design for fatigue as well as resource appraisal for ships in service. The distinctive features of design S-N curves and correction methods for stress concentrations in structural nodes for formats "Nominal stress - Hot spot stress - Notch stress" are analyzed. The need for the data base elaboration in respect of S-N curve calculation are analyzed and suggestions for its development are given. 
Key words: hull structure fatigue, design fatigue curves, stress concentration, damage summation, remaining life.


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About authors

Baskakova Elena - FAI "Russian Maritime Register of shipping", St. Petersburg 

Petinov Sergey - PhD, professor, Institute of Problems of Mechanical Engineering Russian Academy of Sciences, Peter the Great St. Petersburg Politechnic University, St. Petersburg 

Issue: 40/41 (2015)

For citation: Ye.V. Baskakova, S.V. Petinov. Fatigue requirement development for hull structures. Research Bulletin by Russian Maritime Register of Shipping. 2015, No. 40/41, pp. 48-54.

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UDC:  629.
Pages:  48 - 54