Conceptual experience of designing sea-going ships with alternative propulsion plant, equipped with a dual-mode counter-propeller

Conceptual experience of designing sea-going ships with alternative propulsion plant, equipped with a dual-mode counter-propeller

Authors: A.R. Togunjac, LI. Vishnevsky, Ye.A. Sedikh 

The article presents a technical solution, which provides energy saving at full speed, as well as duplication of propeller and main propulsion plant in case it's out of order. The description of the corresponding device designed for transport refrigerator ship is shown as well as its location on board. Value of energy saving from the use of counter-propeller is estimated. The results of the required power assessment to move the ship at low speed by the action of the counter-propeller operating in the reactive mode are demonstrated. It is shown that the ship equipped with the proposed device will be assigned a distinguishing mark in the class notation of Russian Maritime Register of Shipping for propulsion plant redundancy. 

Key words: alternative propulsion plant, dual-mode counter-propeller, multipurpose propulsion unit.


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About authors

Togunjac Anatoliy- PhD, Giprorybflot, St. Petersburg

Vishnevsky Leonid - DSc, Giprorybflot, St. Petersburg 

Sedikh Ye.A. - Krylov State Research Centre, St. Petersburg 

Issue: 40/41 (2015)

For citation: A.R. Togunjac, LI. Vishnevsky, Ye.A. Sedikh. Conceptual experience of designing sea-going ships with alternative propulsion plant, equipped with a dual-mode counter-propeller. Research Bulletin by Russian Maritime Register of Shipping. 2015, No. 40/41, pp. 76-79.

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UDC:  629.12
Pages:  76 - 79