Research vessels in the modern maritime industry. Review

Research vessels in the modern maritime industry. Review

Author: O.A. Chernov

The article deals with the short history of the Soviet Union and Russian research fleet. The main features inherent in the research vessel are described hereunder. The detailed list of the large research vessels constructed in the 21st century is provided. On the basis of the world research fleet review the main trends in modern shipbuilding of this type of vessel have been emphasized and the possible further service of the previously built ships has been considered. 
Keywords: research vessel, World Ocean, world's scientific fleet.


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About author

Chernov Oleg - FAI "Russian Maritime Register of Shipping", St. Petersburg

Issue: 42/43 (2016)

For citation: O.A. Chernov. Research vessels in the modern maritime industry. Review. Research Bulletin by Russian Maritime Register of Shipping. 2016, No. 42/43, pp. 31-39.

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UDC:  629.54
Pages:  31-39