Numerical verification of design methodology based on the classification societies requirements in application to web frames of naval ships
Authors: V.N. Tryaskin, I. V. Dekhtyar
This article considers the problem of numerical verification of transverse web frames parametrical design. Such structures are web frames between decks and platforms outside engine room. The problem is reduced to nonlinear optimization task. Restrictions in the form of inequalities are based on the requirements of Bureau Veritas Rules and Russian Maritime Register of Shipping Rules as applied to ice strengthening.
Keywords: parametrical designing, continuous beam, mathematical programming, web frame, goal function.
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About authors
Tryaskin Vladimir - DSc, professor, FSEI State Marine Technical University of St. Petersburg
Dekhtyar Irina - postgraduate, FSEI State Marine Technical University of St. Petersburg
Issue: 42/43 (2016)
For citation: V.N. Tryaskin, I. V. Dekhtyar. Numerical verification of design methodology based on the classification societies requirements in application to web frames of naval ships. Research Bulletin by Russian Maritime Register of Shipping. 2016, No. 42/43, pp. 58-63.
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UDC: 629.12.001.2
Pages: 58-63