Deformed aluminum-magnesium alloys and welds for cargo containment system structures of gas carriers
Authors: V.K. Bashaev, B.I. Pavlova, E.P. Osokin, S.A. Zykov, A.M. Drits
Studies of the properties of deformed aluminium alloy grades 1550 and 1565 and their welded joints have been carried out at room and cryogenic temperatures (based on the key operation conditions of gas carriers' welded cargo spaces). The annealed alloy grades 1550 and 1565 (in the annealed condition) have been found to satisfy the requirements of the Register and they may be challenging Russian import-substituting structural materials for the manufacture of welded structures of gas carriers' welded cargo spaces.
Keywords: deformed aluminium alloys, welds, properties, cryogenic temperatures.
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About authors
Bashaev Vladimir - FAI "Russian Maritime Register of Shipping", St. Petersburg
Pavlova Vera - PhD, FSUE Central Research Institute of Structural Materials "Prometey", St. Petersburg
Osokin E.P. - FSUE Central Research Institute of Structural Materials "Prometey", St. Petersburg
Zykov Sergey - FSUE Central Research Institute of Structural Materials "Prometey", St. Petersburg
Drits A.M. - CJSC Alcoa SMZ, Samara
Issue: 42/43 (2016)
For citation: V.K. Bashaev, B.I. Pavlova, E.P. Osokin, S.A. Zykov, A.M. Drits. Deformed aluminum-magnesium alloys and welds for cargo containment system structures of gas carriers. Research Bulletin by Russian Maritime Register of Shipping. 2016, No. 42/43, pp. 91-99.
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UDC: 621.791.052
Pages: 91-99
Fr: 8:30 – 16:15 (msk)