Development and implementation of package program on the application of high performance non-metallic insulation and finishing mate rials at JSCO "PO "Sevmash" orders under construction

Development and implementation of package program on the application of high performance non-metallic insulation and finishing mate rials at JSCO "PO "Sevmash" orders under construction

Authors: T.V. Tretyakova

The article specifies the results of test survey and routine operations carried out in JSCo "PO "Sevmash" by experts of the Society, designer and customer. The comparative properties of materials previously used and implemented to be applied during the construction ordered are available. The article gives coverage to the search in the context of import substitution activities, new home made high-performance non-metallic materials, noninferior to foreign models (brands). 
Keywords: non-metallic materials, insulation of hull structures, hydro protective and corrosion-resistant coating, multi- and one-component materials, levelling mastic, seamless floor.


1. TU5761-001-00126238-00 Vata bazal'tovaja jenergeticheskaja i izdelija na ee osnove (izdelija iz prirodnogo kamnja).
2. TU5762-036-45757203-13 Izdelija teploizoljacionnye iz kamennoj vaty SeaRox.
3. OST5.9915-83 Izoljacija teplovaja sudovyh pomeshhenij.
4. Protokol tehnicheskogo soveshhanija po vypolneniju opytno-shtatnoj raboty po naneseniju napol'nogo pokrytija «Dex-o-Tex» v kambuze DEIA-09551-89.231.484-2014 ot oktjabrja 2014g.
5. TU5745-001-98603262-2014 Smes' suhaja palubnaja vyravnivajushhaja INFLEKS-MKS-01.
6. Programma №246.41.1821-2015 provedenija opytnyh rabot po ocenke vozmozhnosti primenenija otechestvennoj  vyravnivajushhej mastiki «Infleks-MKS-01» vo vnutrennih pomeshhenijah v proekte 09552.
7. Programma №246.41.1791-2014 provedenija opytno-shtatnoj raboty po otrabotke tehnologii montazha gidrozashhity korpusnoj izoljacii na proekte 09552 v 8 pomeshhenii.
8. Protokol tehnicheskogo soveshhanija po voprosu primenenija sovremennyh napol'nyh pokrytij vnutrennih pomeshhenij na korable proekta 11430 №DEIA-11430.89.231.319-2012.
9. Programma №246.41.1605-2012 provedenija opytno-shtatnoj raboty po otrabotke tehnologii nanesenija pokrytija Maxit flor 4660 Marine Elastic i remonta mastiki Celalit-5 na korable pr. 11430.

About author: 

Tretyakova Tatiana - JSC "PO "Sevmash", Severodvinsk

Issue: 42/43 (2016)

For citation: T.V. Tretyakova. Development and implementation of package program on the application of high performance non-metallic insulation and finishing mate rials at JSCO "PO "Sevmash" orders under construction. Research Bulletin by Russian Maritime Register of Shipping. 2016, No. 42/43, pp. 100-104.

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UDC:  629.5.081.7
Pages:  100-104