Monitoring of technical condition of the ship's power equipment

Monitoring of technical condition of the ship's power equipment

Authors: M.A. Maksimova, S.S. Rogov

The article deals with the time-series data processing algorithm of the controlled parameters of the ship's power equipment. Such algorithm enables to organize the maintenance run-time prediction procedure of the ship's power equipment as per the actual technical state. 
Keywords: ship's power equipment, technical state, reliability, technical diagnostics system, monitoring, algorithm, functionality prediction.


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About authors

Maksimova Marina - PhD, FSEI State Marine Technical University of St. Petersburg

Rogov Stanislav - MSc, "Engineering Systems and Technologies" CSJC, St. Petersburg

Issue: 42/43(2016)

For citation: M.A. Maksimova, S.S. Rogov. Monitoring of technical condition of the ship's power equipment. Research Bulletin by Russian Maritime Register of Shipping. 2016, No. 42/43, pp. 125-129.

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UDC:  681.518.54
Pages:  125-129