Feasibility of the information support system implementation for damage control of ships and vessels
Authors: V.G. Fisai, B.G. Ivanov
In a series of accidents and disasters, the necessity of the information support systems for damage control/survival is specified by the low efficiency of damage control guidance. The examples of various factors, influencing the damage control, when the accidents occur is provided. The role of the information support systems for damage control as part of the ship systems is determined. The requirement of implementation of such systems is specified. The information support systems for damage control, currently being developed, shall be designed to assist officers of ships and vessels as regards expedience and justification of decision making that will enhance the damage control efficiency.
Keywords: Damage control of ships and vessels, damage control, information support systems for damage control.
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About authors
Fisai V.G. - Military Education-and-Research Centre Naval Academy named after "Admiral N.G. Kuznetcov", St. Petersburg
Ivanov B.G. - Military Education-and-Research Centre Naval Academy named after "Admiral N.G. Kuznetcov", St. Petersburg
Issue: 42/43 (2016)
For citation: V.G. Fisai, B.G. Ivanov. Feasibility of the information support system implementation for damage control of ships and vessels. Research Bulletin by Russian Maritime Register of Shipping. 2016, No. 42/43, pp. 130-133.
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UDC: 629.5.078-52 (043)
Pages: 130-133
Fr: 8:30 – 16:15 (msk)