Creation of a prototype shipboard ballast water management system
Authors: V.G. Khoroshev, A.V. Gerasimov, A.V. Samsonov, A.V. Shallar, V.V. Drozdov
Within the framework of the Federal Target Program "Development of civil marine equipment" for 2009 - 2016 years, specialists of FSUE "Krylov State Research Centre", CJSC "Central Research Institute of Marine Engineering", "NPO ENT Co" and FSBEI HPE "Russian State Hydrometeorological University" studied various possible methods and modes of transport ships' ballast water treatment, also conducting research and development work on design of marine equipment for ballast water decontamination. The results of this work on the design of ballast waters decontamination system including bench tests of a prototype are provided.
Keywords: ballast water, neutralization, UV-irradiation, filtration, control system, International Convention, bench testing, experimental design.
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About authors
Vitaly Khoroshev - FSUE "Krylov State Research Centre", 44, Moskovskoe shosse, 196158, St. Petersburg, Russia
Alexander Gerasimov - PhD, JSC of close type "Central Research Institute of Marine Engineering", 2а, Krupskoj st., 192171, St. Petersburg, Russia
Aleksey Samsonov - PhD, JSC of close type "Central Research Institute of Marine Engineering", 2а, Krupskoj st., 192171, St. Petersburg, Russia
Alexander Shallar - LLC "NPO ENT", Vasilievsky Island, 24th Line, bl. 3-7, p.b.43, 199106, St. Petersburg, Russia
Vladimir Drozdov - FSUE "Krylov State Research Centre", 44, Moskovskoe shosse, 196158, St. Petersburg, Russia
Issue: 44/45 (2016)
For citation: V.G. Khoroshev, A.V. Gerasimov, A.V. Samsonov, A.V. Shallar, V.V. Drozdov. Creation of a prototype shipboard ballast water management system. Research Bulletin by Russian Maritime Register of Shipping. 2016, No. 44/45, pp. 8-13.
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UDC: 629.5.062.2
Pages: 8-13