Evolution study of five generations of transceiver satellite stations of the international maritime communication system INMARSAT

Evolution study of five generations of transceiver satellite stations of the international maritime communication system INMARSAT

Authors: P.S. Dubchuk, A.V. Pripotnyuk, Yu.M. Ustinov


The article considers stages of development of international satellite communications INMARSAT depending on the generation of the communication satellites. The basic comparative characteristics of the generations are provided, as well as the maps of the workzones systems. It is shown that the increase in the speed of information exchange is associated with an increase of the energy signal when using narrow zonal rays, the specific values of the transmission rates for different generations are indicated. Changing the frequency band, which in the end is equivalent to increasing the signal power or exchange rate, is shown to be a promising direction for the development of the INMARSAT system. The main characteristics of the generations are summarized in the table and the trends of development are outlined. It is shown that the use of the latest technologies in INMARSAT helped to solve the problem of the Internet access on ships and to greatly increase the speed of data transmission/reception.

Keywords: satellite communication systems, INMARSAT, frequency range, zonal rays, ship terminal.


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About authors

Pavel Dubchuk  - associate professor, FSEI Admiral Makarov State University of Maritime and Inland Shipping, 5/7, Dvinskaya st., 198035, St. Petersburg, Russia

Andrey Pripotnyuk - FSEI Admiral Makarov State University of Maritime and Inland Shipping, 5/7, Dvinskaya st., 198035, St. Petersburg, Russia

Yury Ustinov - DSc, professor, FSEI Admiral Makarov State University of Maritime and Inland Shipping, 5/7, Dvinskaya st., 198035, St. Petersburg, Russia

Issue: 44/45 (2016)

For citation: P.S. Dubchuk, A.V. Pripotnyuk, Yu.M. Ustinov. Evolution study of five generations of transceiver satellite stations of the international maritime communication system INMARSAT. Research Bulletin by Russian Maritime Register of Shipping. 2016, No. 44/45, pp. 90-95.

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UDC:  621.396