Energy efficiency and environmental safety research and ranking of ozone and greenhouse effect safe refrigerants

Energy efficiency and environmental safety research and ranking of ozone and greenhouse effect safe refrigerants

Authors: V.F. Didenko, Yu.A. Lebedev, L.A. Borovikova 


Human activity has caused the intensive saturation of the Earth's atmosphere with ozone-dangerous and greenhouse gases, significantly changing its heat balance and gas composition. Predicted global warming and ozone layer destruction endanger the biosphere. The Montreal and Kyoto protocols, the result of the extensive research by the scientific community, banned production and limited the use of many ozone-hazardous and greenhouse-gas refrigerants, which were widely used in ship refrigerating machines before. However, the problem of choosing attractive energy-efficient and environmentally safe refrigerants now raises more questions than provides solutions. At present, an attempt is being made to develop a model for estimating and ranking refrigerants based on numerical complex indicators of attractiveness.

Keywords: ozone, greenhouse effect, heat exchange, refrigerant (Bi), refrigerating machine, energy efficiency, environmental safety, complex index of attractiveness.


1. Tsvetkov О.В. Kholodil'nye agenty. Monografiya. 2 izd. [Refrigeration agents. Monograph. 2 ed.]. St. Petersburg, SULT and FT Publ., 2004, 216 p.

2. Badylkes I.S. Rabochie veshchestva i protsessy kholodil'nykh mashin. [Working substances and processes of refrigerating machines] State publishing of trade literature, 1962, 280p.

3. Didenko V.F., Chernov A.I. SAPE. Ship refrigerators. Calculation of cycles and the acquisition of equipment. Educational edition. St. Petersburg, SMTU Publ., 2006, 144p. (In Russian)

4. Kletskiy A.V. Tablitsy termodinamicheskikh svoystv gazov i zhidkostey. Vypusk 2 (freon-22). [Tables of thermodynamic properties of gases and liquids. 2 ed. (Freon-22)]. Moscow, Publishing house of standards, 1978, 59 p.

5. Baranenko A.V., Bukharin N.N., Pekarev V.M. and others. Kholodil'nye mashiny. [Refrigerating machines]. St. Petersburg, Politekhnika Publ., 1997, 992p., pp. 58 - 72. 

About authors

Didenko Vladimir - PhD, associate professor, St. Petersburg State Marine Technical University, 3, Lotsmanskaya st., 190121, St. Petersburg, Russia

Lebedev Yuriy - JSC "Central Research Institute of Marine Engineering", 2a, Krupskoj st., 192171, St. Petersburg, Russia

Borovikova Irina - PhD, associate professor, St. Petersburg State Marine Technical University, 3, Lotsmanskaya st., 190121, St. Petersburg, Russia

Issue: 46/47 (2017)

For citation: V.F. Didenko, Yu.A. Lebedev, L.A. Borovikova. Energy efficiency and environmental safety research and ranking of ozone and greenhouse effect safe refrigerants. Research Bulletin by Russian Maritime Register of Shipping. 2017, No. 46/47, pp. 11-20.

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UDC:  621.56/59
Pages:  11-20