The article presents correspondence table linking the description of accident consequences with the extent of damage in points for merchant ships. The article provides a statistical law selection method for the frequency of accidents relevant to merchant ships and proposes theoretical distribution for the severity of the consequences. For quantitative risk assessment it is proposed to use conditional metering, representing the actual risk ratio to maximum permissible value. The probability density logarithm distribution of conditional risk metering and its availability calculation formula are obtained in the article as applicable to merchant ships.
Keywords: risk, accident, extent of damage, conditional risk metering, risk availability.
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About author
Emelyanov Mikhail - PhD, JSC "Central Scientific Research Institute of Marine Fleet", 6, lit. A, Kavalergardskaya st., 191014, St. Petersburg, Russia, tel: +7 (812) 275-89-45, e-mail: emelyanov@cniimf.ru
Issue: 46/47 (2017)
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