The article considers the experimental study of ship shafting vibrations, describing the research on transverse and torsional vibrations of ship shaft lines and focusing on tugs OT-2400, project H-3291. The study of the ship's shaft vibrations is noted to be of particular importance. The resonant frequencies are calculated in accordance with the Rules of "Russian Maritime Register of Shipping" (RMRS). The measurements were carried out on the basis of the testing center "Marine Technology Service" of the Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Education "Astrakhan State Technical University". The authors used dynamic strain measurement method. A schematic diagram of the measuring complex and experimental data is presented. The study demonstrated the possibility of transverse and torsional vibrations resonance occurring in one range of the rotation frequency. The results confirm the need to study joint transverse-torsional vibrations.
Keywords: ship shafting, stem bearing, H-3291 draft pusher, torsional vibrations, transverse vibrations.
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About authors
Mamontov Viktor - DSc, professor, FSBEI HE "Astrakhan State Technical University", 20a, Tatischev str., 414056, Astrakhan, Russia
Glukhov Andrey - PhD, associate professor, FSBEI HE "Astrakhan State Technical University", 20a, Tatischev str., 414056, Astrakhan, Russia
Gorbachev Maksim - associate professor, FSBEI HE "Astrakhan State Technical University", 20a, Tatischev str., 414056, Astrakhan, Russia
Kushner Guriy - FSBEI HE "Astrakhan State Technical University", 20a, Tatischev str., 414056, Astrakhan, Russia
Issue: 46/47 (2017)
For citation: V.A. Mamontov, A.N. Glukhov, M.M. Gorbachev, G.A. Kushner. Experimental research on transverse and torsional vibrations of type OT-2400 ship shaft. Research Bulletin by Russian Maritime Register of Shipping. 2017, No. 46/47, pp. 86-88.
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