The article presents experimental data of microturbine stages with small outlet nozzle angles of less than 9 degrees which can be used as a part of power plants for sea and river boats. The main aim of the research was to define the complicated variation of studied microturbines effectiveness with different combination of examined factors. The research of model stages of microturbines with small outlet nozzle angles carried out with the analysis of the results based on statistical methods revealed relatively high efficiency for this turbine class. So, the continuation of the research in this field seems to be prospective. Maximum efficiency of model stages was 0,62 with optimal combination of arrangement factors and operation conditions which were defined by imitation research with regression type mathematical model.
Keywords: microturbine, nozzle diaphragm, rotor, turbine, efficiency.
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About authors
Ibragimov Damir - Far Eastern Federal University, 8, Sukhanova st., 690091, Vladivostok, Russia, e-mail: damir-vl@mail.ru
Porshkevich Viktor - Far Eastern Federal University, 8, Sukhanova st., 690091, Vladivostok, Russia, e-mail: 717276@mail.ru
Kamaev Nikolay - Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok, 8, Sukhanova st., 690091, Vladivostok, Russia, e-mail: nikolai969.97@mail.ru
Yurtaev Aleksandr - Far Eastern Federal University, 8, Sukhanova st., 690091, Vladivostok, Russia, e-mail: al.yurtaev@mail.ru
Issue: 46/47 (2017)
For citation: D.L. Ibragimov, V.V. Porshkevich, N.A. Kamaev, A.A. Yurtaev. Effectiveness of microturbines nozzles with outlet angles of less than 9 degrees. Research Bulletin by Russian Maritime Register of Shipping. 2017, No. 46/47, pp. 92-97.
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