The significance of systemic analysis in solving problems for prevention of human element related shipping accidents

The significance of systemic analysis in solving problems for prevention of human element related shipping accidents

Author: V.N. Nikitina


The paper considers principles and procedures of systemic analysis in different fields of science and practice. Different variants of interpretation of the "human element" concept are presented. The authors discuss causes for marine accidents, influence of automated navigation on the conditions and nature of navigators' work. The effect of crew members' fatigue on shipping safety is considered. The authors substantiate the significance of systemic approach to increasing the automation efficiency onboard, as well as solving the problem of shipping safety. The paper outlines the urgent tasks for marine medicine in ensuring shipping safety, i. e. scientific substantiation of work and rest regimens, minimum crew size, the development of criteria for professional selection, methods for improving the resistance of the organism exposed to a complex of adverse factors influencing seamen's health.

Keywords: systemic analysis, human factor, automated navigation, shipping safety, marine medicine.


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About author

Nikitina Valentina - DSc, professor, St. Petersburg State Marine Technical University, 3, Lotsmanskaya st., 190121, St. Petersburg, Russia, tel/fax +7 (812) 494-09-91, e-mail:

Issue: 46/47 (2017)

For citation: V.N. Nikitina. The significance of systemic analysis in solving problems for prevention of human element related shipping accidents. Research Bulletin by Russian Register of Shipping. 2017, No. 46/47, pp. 119-124.

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UDC:  656.086.16
Pages:  119-124