FPSO safety during operation in the Arctic zone considering endurance criterion

FPSO safety during operation in the Arctic zone considering endurance criterion

Authors: Yu.A. Kharchenko, P.K. Kalashnikov, S.V. Balagura, G.E. Atayan


Floating production/processing oil and gas facilities operating on the Arctic Ocean coastal self must ensure the safest possible working conditions for staff and the provide the possibility of conducting rescue operations in case of abnormal or emergency situations. Due to the extreme climatic conditions of the Arctic, floating facilities have to be provided with the ability to compensate for the extreme loads (considerably in excess of the design) occurring in emergency situations and to retain operability. This ability is defined as "endurance criterion". The article considers all the components of the complex concept of "endurance criterion", defines principles to ensure the survivability of marine floating oil and gas production/ processing systems (such as a FPSO). The article describes in detail the design of such floating facilities, analyzing the existing methods of surviving on board, considers the emergency situations prevention methods, presenting examples of methods and techniques used by various companies in the Northern seas and, eventually, providing recommendations to improve the survivability of the floating production/processing oil and gas facilities, the main aspects that should be taken into account when designing FPSOs for Arctic operation.

Keywords: offshore production, FPSO, Arctic Ocean coastal shelf, safety, endurance criterion, accidents.


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About authors

Kharchenko Yuri - DSc, professor of Department of Offshore Oil and Gas Field Development, Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas, 65, Leninsky Prospekt, 119991, Moscow, Russia, e-mail: doc.2004.8@yandex.ru

Kalashnikov Pavel - PhD, associate professor of Department of Computer Aided Design of Oil and Gas Industry Facilities, Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas, 65, Leninsky Prospekt, 119991, Moscow, Russia, e-mail: kalashnikov_pk@bk.ru

Balagura Sergey - FAI “Russian Maritime Register of Shipping”, 8, Dvortsovaya Naberezhnaya, 191186, St. Petersburg, Russia, tel. +7(812) 380-19-54, e-mail: balagura.sv@rs-class.org

Atayan Gregory - OOO “Gazprom Gazobezopasnost”, 101, build. 5, settlement Gazoprovod, Sosenskoe, 108814, Moscow, Russia, e-mail: gregory.age@gmail.com

Issue: 48/49 (2017)

For citation: Yu.A. Kharchenko, P.K. Kalashnikov, S.V. Balagura, G.E. Atayan. FPSO safety during operation in the Arctic zone considering endurance criterion. Research Bulletin by Russian Maritime Register of Shipping. 2017, No. 48/49, pp. 9-16.

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UDC:  629.5.02+519.876
Pages:  9-16