The analysis of operational response indicators of the RF EMERCOM fire departments on the fires occurring on the objects of marine and river transport using graph theory method

The analysis of operational response indicators of the RF EMERCOM fire departments on the fires occurring on the objects of marine and river transport using graph theory method

Authors: K.S. Vlasov, N.A. Aruchidi


Fire protection of sea and river ports is an important element of the system ensuring the stable operation of transport infrastructure. Almost every fire destabilizes the work of the port and breaks the structure of supply chains in regional, national and international logistics systems. The article analyzes the rapid response indicators of the fire units at sites of sea and river transport in comparison with the general indicators for the Russian Federation. The main disadvantage of the methods currently used to assess the effectiveness of fire departments is that the statistical indicators are analyzed in isolation, without taking into account mutual influences and identifying common trends. Methods of the graph theory are proposed to help identify relationships and the degree of influence of various factors on the operational activities of fire departments using fires on objects of sea and river transport as an example.

Keywords: operational fire departments, correlation, graph theory.


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About authors

Vlasov Konstantin - PhD, VNIIPO of EMERCOM of Russia, mkr. VNIIPO, 12, Balashikha, 143903, Moscow Region, Russia, +7 (495) 524-81-32, e-mail:

Aruchidi Natalia - PhD, associate Professor, FBGOU VPO Rostov state University (RINH), 69, B. Sadovaya str., 344002,Rostov-on-don, Russia

Issue: 48/49 (2017)

For citation: K.S. Vlasov, N.A. Aruchidi. The analysis of operational response indicators of the RF EMERCOM fire departments on the fires occurring on the objects of marine and river transport using graph theory method. Research Bulletin by Russian Maritime Register of Shipping. 2017, No. 48/49, pp. 37-42.

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UDC:  614.841 
Pages:  37-42