Authors: O.A. Goretyi, S.S. Zimin, O.E. Surov, M.V. Kitaev
The results of longitudinal strength calculations under action of vertical bending moments for a real ship with wide hatch openings are shown in this paper. Verifying calculations have been carried out for as-built thicknesses and actual thicknesses resulted by corrosion of hull girder's elements. Based on the obtained results concept schemes of hull reinforcements have been proposed for safe operation of the ship. The results of stress and strain state for intermittent hull elements in the areas of superstructures endings are presented based on the ANSYS structural analysis software. The reinforcements of the hull in the places of superstructures endings have been proposed. Obtained results of the research and conclusions can be used for designing and technical operation for strength and reliability provisions of ships with wide hatch openings.
Keywords: hull strength, longitudinal strength, stress and strain state, intermittent hull elements.
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About authors
Goretyi Oleg - FAI "Russian Maritime Register of Shipping", 29a, Stanyukovicha st., 690990, GSP, Vladivostok, Russia, e-mail:
Zimin S.S. - Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, 29, Polytechnicheskaya st., 195251, St. Petersburg, Russia, e-mail:
Surov Oleg - PhD, associate professor, Far Eastern Federal University, 8, Sukhanova st., 690091, Vladivostok, Russia, e-mail:
Kitaev Maxim - PhD, associate professor, Far Eastern Federal University, 8, Sukhanova st., 690091, Vladivostok, Russia, e-mail:
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