Study of the effect of a speed boat hull design on water resistance by numerical methods

Study of the effect of a speed boat hull design on water resistance by numerical methods

Authors: E.Yu. Cheban, D.V. Nikuschenko


Poor compliance of a speed boat's hull form with the operating conditions may lead to dangerous emergencies, for instance, in case of porpoising. Therefore, it is important to give special consideration to the hull design at the design stage. The article provides a numerical study of the effects of step-hull and hydro-ski-hull design of a planing boat on the water resistance. The main purpose of this study has been to reliably predict the hydrodynamic characteristics for different boat hull shape designs, using the NUMECA/FineMarine™ software. Different turbulence models have been observed and their effects for the water resistance were investigated. Analysis of the flow fields around planing boats hulls has been given. Changing of a trim angle and draft have also been described for both cases. Comparison of numerical results has been shown to be in good agreement with towing tests. The results of this study have been used for creating the technical design project of a new speed boat.

Keywords: computer fluid dynamics, planing, speed boat, porpoising stability, stepped hull, hydro-ski, towing test, NUMECA FINE/Marine, hydroplane.


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About authors

Cheban Yegor - PhD, associate professor, Volga State University of Water Transport, 5, Nesterov str., 603005 Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, e-mail:

Nikushchenko Dmitry - DSc, associate professor, FSEI St. Petersburg State Marine Technical University, 3, Lotsmanskaya str., 190121, St. Petersburg, Russia, e-mail:

Issue: 48/49 (2017)

For citation: E.Yu. Cheban, D.V. Nikuschenko. Study of the effect of a speed boat hull design on water resistance by numerical methods. Research Bulletin by Russian Maritime Register of Shipping. 2017, No. 48/49, pp. 59-69.

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UDC:  532.5
Pages:  59-69