Application of composite materials in the repair of structures of sea-going ships

Application of composite materials in the repair of structures of sea-going ships

Authors: M.D. Emelyanov, E.V. Sominskaya


This article presents examples of the use of polymeric and composite materials during the repair of a ship's superstructure. Modern epoxy materials, which allow to obtain a wide range of composites with controlled properties, such as viscosity, elasticity, adhesion, viability etc., are discussed. The results of tests for perspective corrosion inhibitors and passivating compounds based on phosphoric acid are also presented. The article provides recommendations on their application, as well as the information related to the development of new requirements for the Rules of Russian Maritime Register of Shipping.

Keywords: polymer and cement coatings, epoxy composition, corrosion inhibitors, rust converters


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About authors

Emelyanov Mikhail - PhD, JSC “Central Scientific Research Institute of Marine Fleet”, 6, lit. A, Kavalergardskaya st., 191014, St. Petersburg, Russia, tel.: +7 (812) 275-89-45, е-mail:

E.V. Sominskaya, PhD - JSC “Central Scientific Research Institute of Marine Fleet”, 6, lit. A, Kavalergardskaya st., 191014, St. Petersburg, Russia

Issue: 48/49 (2017)

For citation: M.D. Emelyanov, E.V. Sominskaya. Application of composite materials in the repair of structures of sea-going ships. Research Bulletin by Russian Maritime Register of Shipping. 2017, No. 48/49, pp. 77-84.

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UDC:  629.5:656.6 
Pages:  77-84