Application of additive technologies in solving shipbuilding design problems

Application of additive technologies in solving shipbuilding design problems

Author: A.E. Kiseleva


Additive shaping as a process of layer-by-layer formation of objects' geometry is a fast-growing technology sector, attracting special attention of both research centers and world's leading industrial companies. This intense interest is due to the potential of Additive Fabrication, which are unattainable by subtractive shaping, for example, by cutting. AF-technologies have practically no restrictions on the shape of constructs under creation, they allow developing various internal structures of printed objects as well as using various composite materials resulting in new physical, technical and operational properties of such products. The article gives a brief summary of the most wide-spread types of additive technologies in accordance with terminology of ASTM F2792-10, developed by ASTM International organization. Applicability of AF-technologies in shipbuilding is analyzed. Examples of functional prototyping use in design and preproduction engineering are given, as well as examples of experimental work in the field of additive shaping in JSC "PO "Sevmash". Opportunities for additive technologies in shipbuilding industry are assessed.

Keywords: additive technology, AF- technology, 3D-printing, prototyping, PolyJet technology, 3D-model, shipbuilding.


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About author

Kiseleva Anna - JSC "PO "Sevmash", 58, Arkhangelskoye shosse, 164500, Severodvinsk, Arkhangelskaya oblast, Russia, e-mail:

Issue: 48/49 (2017)

For citation: A.E. Kiseleva. Application of additive technologies in solving shipbuilding design problems. Research Bulletin by Russian Maritime Register of Shipping. 2017, No. 48/49, pp. 84-88.

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UDC:  004.925.84:629.5
Pages:  84-88