Authors: I.I. Kuleshov, V. M. Khodakovsky
The article describes the main results of detonining the stress-strain state pairing, "piston ring - piston groove", in relation to the piston crown of a marine low speed diesel. The piston crown of a diesel engine type L35MC has been adopted as a prototype. This piston crown is a piston design with a simply supported plate. In the process, the crown of the piston of low speed diesel engines, due to the peculiarities of working process, are subject to the greatest wear in the area of the piston grooves bearing surfaces. Structurally, the piston crown is calculated so that the gap in the pair "piston ring - piston groove" ensures the good condition of the parts. However, analysis of existing work dedicated to the study of the pistons wear and restoration processes has shown that during the work bearing surfaces of the piston grooves, due to thermal deformation, become tapered. The present article describes the following: deformation of the piston head grooves is less when there are wear rings installed; the gap height between the piston groove and the ring is larger when there are wear rings installed; due to the material wear characteristics, in piston heads without wear rings tapering of groove ends is more pronounced; tapering of grooves ends leads to more intensive wear of these surfaces.
Keywords: piston crown, the stress-strain state, finite element method, piston ring, piston groove, wear ring, tapering, low speed diesel.
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About authors
Kuleshov Igor - FAI “Russian Maritime Register of Shipping”, G.I. Nevelskoy Maritime State University, 50A, Verkhneportovaya str., 690003, Vladivostok, Russia, tel. + 7 (423) 230-12-51, e-mail:
Khodakovsky Vladimir - PhD, associate professor, professor, G. I. Nevelskoy Maritime State University, 50A, Verkhneportovaya str., 690003, Vladivostok, Russia, tel. + 7 (423) 230-12-51, e-mail:
Issue: 48/49 (2017)
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