Methods for determining the fire resistance of cable penetrations in transit cable lines and electrical wiring in ship compartments

Methods for determining the fire resistance of cable penetrations in transit cable lines and electrical wiring in ship compartments

Author: A.A. Varlamkin


The article provides the analysis of normative technical documentation on the methodology determining the fire resistance of cable penetrations in ship structures, which has been conducted with correspondence given between the methods of determining the fire resistance limits for cable penetrations in buildings and structures in accordance with the requirements of the Federal Law "Technical regulations for fire safety requirements" and those of International code for application of fire test procedures, 2010 (2010 FTP code). The possibility of determining the fire resistance limits of the cable penetrations in ship structures using the numerical simulation of fire test procedures in ship structures taking into account the brands of cables and their location in the stopping, in accordance with the design documentation, has been discussed, together with the concept of mandatory changes in the developed mathematical model for the confirmation of the fire safety compliance of cable penetrations used in buildings and structures as to the thermal conditions when carrying out the tests in accordance with 2010 FTP Code. The necessity of conducting comparative tests aiming at the approbation of the proposed numerical simulation has been also considered.

Keywords: structure, ship, cable, compartment, fire, fire hazard factors.


  1. Federal'nyy zakon ot 22 iyulya 2008 goda №123-FZ Tekhnicheskiy reglament o trebovaniyakh pozharnoy bezopasnosti (s izmeneniyami na 29 iyulya 2017 goda) [The Federal law from 22 July 2008 No. 123 Technical regulations on fire safety requirements (as amended on 29 July 2017)].

  2. Koshmarov A.Yu. Prognozirovanie opasnykh faktorov pozhara v pomeshchenii: Uchebnoe posobie [Forecasting of fire dangerous factors in the room: Tutorial]. Moscow, Academy of State Fire Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, 2000, 118 p.

  3. GOST R 53310-2009 Prokhodki kabel'nye, vvody germetichnye i prokhody shinoprovodov. Trebovaniya pozharnoy bezopasnosti. Metody ispytaniy na ognestoykost' [State Standard R 53310-2009 Through penetration for cables, hermetic inputs and through penetration of electric current types. Requirements of fire safety. Fire resistance test methods]. Moscow, Standartinform Publ., 2009.

  4. An international code 2010 on the application procedures for fire resistance tests (Code PIO 2010), Adopted by Resolution MSC.307 (88) from 03.10.2010.

  5. GOST R EN 1363-2-2014 Konstruktsii stroitel'nye. Chast' 2. Ispytaniya na ognestoykost'. Al'ternativnye i dopolnitel'nye metody [Constructions. Part 2. Fire resistance tests. Alternative and additional methods]. Moscow, Standartinform Publ., 2014.

  6. GOST 31996-2012 Kabeli silovye s plastmassovoy izolyatsiey na nominal'noe napryazhenie 0,66; 1 i 3 kV. Obshchie tekhnicheskie usloviya [State Standard 31996-2012 Power cables with plastic insulation for rated voltages of 0,66; 1 and 3 kV. General specifications]. Moscow, Standartinform Publ., 2013.

  7. GOST 30247.0-94 Konstruktsii stroitel'nye. Metody ispytaniy na ognestoykost'. Obshchie trebovaniya [State Standard 30247.0-94 Elements of building constructions. Fire-resistance test methods. General requirements].

About author

Varlamkin Andrey - FGU VNIIPO of EMERCOM of Russia, 12, micro-district VNIIPO, 143903, Balashikha, Moscow region, Russia

Issue: 48/49 (2017)

For citation: A.A. Varlamkin. Methods for determining the fire resistance of cable penetrations in transit cable lines and electrical wiring in ship compartments. Research Bulletin by Russian Maritime Register of Shipping. 2017, No. 48/49, pp. 108-111.

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UDC:  05.08.00
Pages:  108-111