Author: N.M. Kobets
The article describes a calculation method of the trajectory measurements of a ship's curvilinear motion in regard to the navigation remote control concept. Curvilinear motion of a ship describes a random process due to the impact of various interfering factors. The least squares method provides the ability to smooth the curved lines of the actual ship's track with a certain precision and the algorithm presented in the article provides automated control over the ship's movement along the intended track. Studies have shown relatively good results allowing to visually identify unauthorized deviation of the ship from the intended track, failure of navigation equipment and other important navigation parameters. Thus, the proposed method allows implementing the concept of navigation remote control of the autonomous ships and unmanned ships in the future.
Keywords: navigation, trajectory measurements, smoothing, unmanned ships, autonomous ships, the least squares method, curvilinear motion, rate of turn.
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About author
Kobets Nikolay - FSBEO HE “Admiral Ushakov Maritime State University”, 93, Lenin's avenue, 53918, Novorossisk, Russia, e-mail:
Issue: 48/49 (2017)
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Fr: 8:30 – 16:15 (msk)