Authors: A.A. Petrov, I.Z. Chereysky, S.A. Idrisova
The article, based on the structure and requirements of the International Code for Ships Operating in Polar Waters, contains relevance and applicability of elaboration analysis of the technical document "Polar Water Operational Manual" (PWOM). The article lists series of sections from the PWOM and their brief content that require, based on the assessment of the current state of the navigation conditions and operating restrictions of the ship, a thorough engineering analysis, the complexity of which lies in the reliability and availability of the provided initial information and the necessity of joint consideration of external conditions and a ship's structural particulars. Due to the complexity of an adequate evaluation of the obtained results and the provided guidance to shipowners, in the long term perspective, it is reasonable to develop the procedures for verification of PWOM content and reliability of the submitted information.
Keywords: Polar Water Operational Manual, PWOM, Northern Sea Route, safe operating regimes, ice trafficability, polar class, safety of navigation.
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About authors:
Petrov Aleksey - Central Marine Research and Design Institute, 6, lit. A, Kavalergardskay str., 191015, St. Petersburg, Russia, tel.: +7 (812) 271-12-67, e-mail:
Chereysky Igor - Central Marine Research and Design Institute, 6, lit. A, Kavalergardskay str., 191015, St. Petersburg, Russia, tel.: +7 (812) 274-47-52, e-mail:
Idrisova Sabina - graduate student, St. Petersburg State Marine Technical University, 3, Lotsmanskay str., 190121, St. Petersburg, Russia, e-mail:
Issue: 50/51 (2018)
For citation: A.A. Petrov, I.Z. Chereysky, S.A. Idrisova. Technical aspects of the Polar Water Operational Manual development and the assessment of the need to control its content. Research Bulletin by Russian Maritime Register of Shipping. 2018, No. 50/51, pp. 6-13.* * *