Statistical parameters of the output characteristics of process conditions for strain hardening zone of laser treatment of cast iron parts in ship power plant

Statistical parameters of the output characteristics of process conditions for strain hardening zone of laser treatment of cast iron parts in ship power plant

Authors: I.I. Kuleshov, V.M. Khodakovsky


The theoretical substantiation of the process parameters choice for the strain hardening zone of the laser treatment of the cast iron parts is considered. Based on the experience of work performed in the area of laser hardening of cast iron parts, as well as the experience in strain hardening, the study was carried out in several stages. In the first stage of laser hardening with the melting, in which the hardened surface was formed by the laser action zone, including the zone of melting. In the zone of fusion considerable presence of residual austenite (= 25 %) with relatively low microhardness was detected. This was followed by the process of strain hardening. As a result of this process, "white phase" with increased microhardness was formed on the surface of the reflow zone. Mathematical analysis of the preexperiment was performed, determining that the distribution of the "white phase" microhardness of on the surface of the reflow zone is subject to normal distribution law. On the basis of a priori information a plan has been drawn up in the form of a full factorial experiment. The regression equations of the "white phase" microhardness depending on the processing speed, processing time, specific pressure have been determined. The convergence of theoretical assumptions and experimental data has been confirmed.

Keywords: "white phase" deformation hardening, distribution law, the statistical parameters, the theoretical justification of the normal law.


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About authors:

Kuleshov Igor - FAI "Russian Maritime Register of Shipping", 29a, Stanyukovicha str., 690990, GSP, Vladivostok, Russia, tel. +7 (423) 230-12-51, e-mail:

Khodakovsky Vladimir - PhD, associate professor, professor, G.I. Nevelskoy Maritime State University, 50A, Verkhneportovaya str., 690003, Vladivostok, Russia, tel. +7 (423) 230-12-51, e-mail:

Issue: 50/51 (2018)

For citation: I.I. Kuleshov, V.M. Khodakovsky. Statistical parameters of the output characteristics of process conditions for strain hardening zone of laser treatment of cast iron parts in ship power plant. Research Bulletin by Russian Maritime Register of Shipping. 2018, No. 50/51, pp. 22-29.

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UDC:  621.432.4:51-7
Pages:  22-29