Authors: M.V. Kitaev, V.A. Kompanets, V.A. Kulesh, O.E. Surov
This article describes the analysis of shell plating wear of ice class ships and icebreakers in the ice belt region, and investigates the effect of ice-resistant protective coatings on the wear rate of a ship's shell plating. The authors have used the data on the residual thickness measurements from the DEFHULL computer database. As a result of the conducted research a comparison has been made between the normative data of wear rates of the outer shell plating of ice class ships stipulated in the acting RS Rules and the average empirical data of the DEFHULL database. The conclusions and results obtained in the research have been used in the development of the draft amendments to the current requirements of the RS Rules for determining the thickness of the hull plating of ice class ships and icebreakers.
Keywords: wear, measurements of residual thickness, ice-resistant coatings, shell plating, ice class ships, icebreakers
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About authors
M.V. Kitaev - PhD, associate professor, Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok, e-mail:
V.A. Kompanets - associate professor, Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok, e-mail:
V.A. Kulesh - DSc, professor, Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok, e-mail:
O.E. Surov - PhD, associate professor, Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok, e-mail:
For citation: M.V. Kitaev, V.A. Kompanets, V.A. Kulesh, O.E. Surov. Development of proposals for wear values of the shell plating of ice class ships and icebreakers. Research Bulletin by Russian Maritime Register of Shipping. 2018, No. 52/53, pp. 35-46.
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UDC: 629.5
Pages: 35-46