Comparison analysis of RS Rules and IACS UR S10 requirements for scantlings of ship rudders

Comparison analysis of RS Rules and IACS UR S10 requirements for scantlings of ship rudders

Authors: K.V. Plotnikov,  D.S. Dolgov


The article deals with comparison of the RS Rules and IACS UR S10 requirements for scantlings of ship rudders. Flat rudders and steering nozzles are not considered. The relevance of the study is determined by the prospective implementation of IACS UR S10 into the RS Rules. The article considers the estimation of rudders' force and torque, support forces and bending moments, scantlings of rudder blade, rudder stock and pintles. Some general considerations about welding are also presented. The comparison is based on the calculations done for 4 test ships with the requirements of the two documents. The study has shown that sizes of scantlings of rudder blade, rudder stock and pintles required by the RS Rules are generally larger than those required by IACS UR S10. It has been assumed that the required thickness in reinforced areas of rudder blade shell and webs obtained with IACS UR S10 can be greater than that required by the RS rules. Comparative assessments of rudder mass estimated with as-built scantlings required by the two documents are also given.


Keywords: rudder stock, rudder blade, RS Rules, strength, IACS UR, rudder pintles



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About authors

K.V. Plotnikov - St. Petersburg State Marine Technical University, St. Petersburg, tel.: +7 (812) 714-09-54, e-mail:

D.S. Dolgov - St. Petersburg State Marine Technical University, St. Petersburg, tel.: +7 (812) 714-09-54, e-mail:

For citation: K.V. Plotnikov,  D.S. Dolgov. Comparison analysis of RS Rules and IACS UR S10 requirements for scantlings of ship rudders. Research Bulletin by Russian Maritime Register of Shipping. 2018, No. 52/53, pp. 57-72.

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UDC:  629.5.061.12
Pages:  57-72