Authors: L.V. Efremov, M.Yu. Ivanov
The article is an the attempt to show the possible ways of specifying the require-ments on the assessment of permissible stresses (PS) of total and resonance torsional vibrations of crankshafts of internal combustion engines (ICE), including those determined in accordance with the requirements of 8.2 Part VII "Machinery Istalltions" of the Rules for the Classification and Construction of Sea-Going Ships [1]. Back in the 1960s, as shown in reference [5] it was found that PS, as defined in these requirements at rated speed, in some cases, do not coincide with the results of their calculation by other experts using alternative methods, as well as with the data of internal combustion engines manufacturers (sometimes lowering them by up to 1,5 times). Recent research has made it possible to identify the cause of these contradictions and to propose, as an alternative, to specify the current requirements for permissible stesses depending on the crankshaft material tensile strength, its diameter and rotation speed. This method is based on cycle fatigue strength theory and complies with the requirements for permissible stresses, e.g., those specified in [2].
Keywords: crankshaft, torsional vibrations permissible stresses, Register rules, total, resonance, motor form, a restricted area
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About authors
L.V. Efremov - Institute of problems of mechanical engineering Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg
M.Yu. Ivanov - FAI "Russian Maritime Register of Shipping," St. Petersburg, e-mail:
For citation: L.V. Efremov, M.Yu. Ivanov. Estimation of permissible stresses due to the torsional vibration of crankshafts of internal combustion engines. Research Bulletin by Russian Maritime Register of Shipping. 2018, No. 52/53, pp. 81-87.
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UDC: 629.12-233/12
Pages: 81-87