Assessment of ice load variability interval based on the model tests results

Assessment of ice load variability interval based on the model tests results

Authors: A.S. Bolshev,  M.M. Karulina


In this article, the authors discuss the problems of analyzing and interpreting the results of scaled physical modeling of ice action on offshore structures. The article studies the processing of the results obtained during the ice model tests of offshore structures interaction with ice. One of the aims of the study has been to reveal the peculiarities of conducting experiments in the ice model basin and the complexity of the experimental data processing caused by these peculiarities. The difficulties in processing and interpreting the experimental data obtained in the ice basin are due to the inmpossibility of to accurately reproduce the natural experimental conditions for taking a series of repeated measurements, with the influence of a number of random factors converting the investigated parameters from deterministic to stochastic ones. The authors proposed a scientifically based approach for processing the ice model tests results and constructing the variability interval for the ice load acting on an offshore structure. The description and an example of practical application of the developed procedure are presented in the article.

Keywords: model tests, offshore structure, ice model basin, model ice, ice properties, ice loads, regress model, variability



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About authors

A.S. Bolshev - DSc, Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, St. Petersburg, tel.: +7 (812) 297-59-54, e-mail:

M.M. Karulina - PhD, Krylov State Research Centre, St. Petersburg, tel.: +7 (812) 415-46-17, e-mail:

For citation: A.S. Bolshev,  M.M. Karulina. Assessment of ice load variability interval based on the model tests results. Research Bulletin by Russian Maritime Register of Shipping. 2018, No. 52/53, pp. 97-105.

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UDC:  629.514: 629.563
Pages:  97-105